Liberty Pavilion

Payment must be received by City Staff before any reservation requests is considered official. See Payment directions below. For Credit Card Payments made online, city staff receives a confirmation email.
The City will begin accepting reservations in person or online the second Monday in March of every year (3/10/2025).
The Liberty Pavilion:
The Pavilion attached to the Red Barn is available for reservation April 1 - October 31.
The Pavilion has electrical outlets and restrooms. (The inside of the Red Barn is not available to the public)
Cost of Reservations
Liberty Pavilion: $60 for residents/$120 for non-residents
Please check the calendar below for availability:
MAKE PAYMENT AFTER YOU HAVE SUBMITTED A RESERVATION REQUEST BELOW. YOUR RESERVATION IS NOT COMPLETE UNTIL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED. You may pay in person Monday-Friday between 9:00am - 4:00pm at City Hall (5401 Independence Rd. Weldon Spring, MO 63304) via cash, check, or credit card.*A 3.5% processing fee is added to all credit card payments*
Credit card payments may be done online by these steps :
- Go to
- Selecting Missouri; then Weldon Spring; then Reservation Payments
- Fill out form completely
- For “Type of Payment” type the facility (i.e. Liberty Pavilion) & your reserved date
- List the correct payment amount
- Cost of Reservations
- Freedom Pavilion $100 for residents/$150 for non-residents
- Independence Amphitheater $100 for residents/$150 for non-residents
- Liberty Pavilion $60 for residents/$120 for non-residents
- Founders Pavilion $20 for residents/$50 for non-residents
- Practice Fields: $12 for residents/$25 for non-residents times number of weeks reserved.
- Click Continue
- Confirm Facility, Date, and payment amount. Click Continue
- Fill in Billing information. Click Continue
- Confirm your information, the facility, date, and payment amount
- Agree to terms & conditions
- Click submit
- You will receive an emailed receipt from The Payment Group
Rules Term And Conditions:
The city has established the following rules, Terms & Conditions. By reserving a facility, the reservation holder agrees to the terms and conditions.
Reservation of a pavilion only entitles to the sole use of that facility and its amenities and not the park at large; you are free to use the walking trail, ball field(s), playground and fishing lake but so is the general public.
A reservation serves as official documentation and must be presented upon request.
Each guest/player is responsible for leaving the assigned area in a clean and orderly state, promptly at the end of their time slot.
Picnic tables are not to be moved from their existing location and premises.
Each applicant is responsible for reparation of any damages arising from their group’s use of the City Park and its equipment, facilities, and amenities.
No glass containers of any kind are allowed on City premises.
All trash must be placed in approved trash receptacles.
Charcoal grills are available for use; An adult must always be present and monitoring any open flames and the fire must be completely extinguished before leaving the pavilion
No swimming, wading, boating or ice-skating is allowed in/on the City Lake.
Children under the age of ten (10) years old must be accompanied by an adult when near the lake.
The City of Weldon Spring exercises a Hold Harmless Policy for all reservation usage. This releases the City from any claims that may arise out of accident or injury when using City facilities and amenities.
Those wishing to use the City of Weldon Spring’s Park and its facilities may do so at any time between sunrise and sunset. However, to reserve either a ball field or pavilion you must reservation and obtain approval from City Hall. Reservations are issued in accordance with the City Ordinance.
When reserving online, your reservation is not official until confrimed by a city staff member. Reservations may be made in person during regular businesses hours. A Payment can be made via cash, check, or credit card. Credit Card payments will have a 3.5% service charge added.
Reservations may be terminated at anytime by either party with or without reason.
The city will begin taking in person reservations for the Pavilions on the second Monday of March each year, online reservations will begin the following monday.
Reservations for usage can be made for April 1st through October 31st.
Reservation of a pavilion only entitles to the sole use of that facility and its amenities and not the park at large; you are free to use the walking trail, ball field(s), playground and fishing lake but so is the general public.
A reservation serves as official documentation and must be presented upon request.
Each guest/player is responsible for leaving the assigned area in a clean and orderly state, promptly at the end of their time slot.
Picnic tables are not to be moved from their existing location and premises.
Each applicant is responsible for reparation of any damages arising from their group’s use of the City Park and its equipment, facilities, and amenities.
No glass containers of any kind are allowed on City premises.
All trash must be placed in approved trash receptacles.
Charcoal grills are available for use; An adult must always be present and monitoring any open flames and the fire must be completely extinguished before leaving the pavilion
No swimming, wading, boating or ice-skating is allowed in/on the City Lake.
Children under the age of ten (10) years old must be accompanied by an adult when near the lake.
The City of Weldon Spring exercises a Hold Harmless Policy for all reservation usage. This releases the City from any claims that may arise out of accident or injury when using City facilities and amenities.
For immediate park concerns please contact City Hall (636) 441-2110, the City Parks Department (636)485-3840, or email
By submitting a request, I agree that I have read and understand the terms and conditions as outlined. Furthermore, I will indemnify, defend, hold harmless, assume liability for and defend the City of Weldon Spring, its officers, and employees from any and all costs and expense including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees, reasonable investigative and discovery costs, court costs, and all other sums which the City of Weldon Spring and its officers and employees may become legally obligated to pay because of any, all and every demand for claim of action or assertion of liability, or any claim of action founded there on, arising or alleged to have arisen out of an intentional act or omission of the below signed use of real or personal property belonging to the City of Weldon Spring, its officers and employees, or by any intention, action or omission by myself, its members, agents, servants, employees, officers or director for which the below signed may be held legally liable. Nothing herein shall require that the below signed to indemnify, hold harmless or assume liability for any negligent, intentional, or other tortious act or omission of the City of Weldon Spring, its officers and employees.