Requirements for New Pools

1/27/2023 | Posted in: FAQ's
  • Chapter 405. Zoning Regulations Article V. Supplementary District Regulations Section 405.200. Swimming Pools.

  • [Ord. No. 18-12, 12-11-2018]
    • No swimming pool, whether public or private, shall be located in a front yard or closer than ten (10) feet to any lot line or dwelling.
    • Swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs must be enclosed by fences or other barriers per the International Residential Code, which has been adopted by the City, by means of adopting the County Code.
      • County Code: 4 foot high enclosure surrounding the pool area or yard. A fence permit is required for any new or replacement fencing. above the finished grade and should be measured on the outside of the fence. The maximum clearance between finished grade and the barrier is 2 inches.
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